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We wrapped up AmCham Romania’s 2024 events with a CEO Strategic Session on December 12.
Top executives in our community joined to share their business outlook for 2025, how investment plans are impacted by the unexpected turn of the presidential elections in Romania, and how they see AmCham’s priorities in this context going further.
We’re grateful to each leader in the audience for accepting the invitation even on very short notice and for the valuable insights shared during the session.
AmCham Romania President Cristian Sporis set the scene by reiterating AmCham’s mission to remain a strong voice of the business community speaking on improving the investment climate: “Over the past 30 years, AmCham Romania has actively supported Romania’s European integration and transatlantic orientation, both representing the lighthouse that guided our country through its post-communist transition. We remain committed to this mission now and in the future.”
It was a valuable conversation moderated by Vice-President Daniela Nemoianu and concluded by Vice-President Dinu Bumbacea with the call to stick together, the only way in which we can overcome uncertainty and the new wave of challenges we’re experiencing.
Special thanks to Ionut Dumitru, Chief Economist - Raiffeisen Bank for sharing a snapshot of Romania’s macroeconomic situation for our audience.