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News from Members Kostas Papagiannis has been appointed Managing Director of MSD Romania

Kostas Papagiannis has been appointed Managing Director of MSD Romania

by Merck Sharp & Dohme Romania February 8, 2021


Dear AmCham Members,

We would like to inform you that Kostas Papagiannis has been appointed Managing Director of MSD Romania, starting February 1. In the new role, he will focus on further developing the company’s presence in the local market, as well as creating sustainable solutions to increase patients ‘access to innovation and improve patients' quality of life.

For the past three years, Kostas Papagiannis has been the Managing Director of MSD Bulgaria, Northern Macedonia and Kosovo. In this capacity, he has transformed the organization into one of the most dynamic pharmaceutical companies in the Balkans region, developing business processes and focusing on priority therapeutic areas in line with MSD’s regional and global strategy.

Driven from his commitment to creating an environment that welcomes pharmaceutical innovation, he had extensive focus on public policy and stakeholder engagement. While being a member in the local industry association (ArPharm), he was also selected for the Board of the Executive committee of AmCham in Bulgaria and led the efforts of AmCham Healthcare.

Kostas joined MSD in 2015 in a Business Unit Director role in MSD Greece, where he focused especially on hospital acute care. He has extensive international experience that goes beyond pharmaceutical industry, gained in highly dynamic domains such as FMCG and in several European and Middle Eastern countries, in companies like General Mills, Kellogg’s and SC Johnson. He holds a degree in marketing from the University of Middlesex, UK.

Together with MSD Romania team, Kostas is keen to bring his perspective and strong experience, and to be a key contributor to AmCham’s strategic initiatives.  

Best regards,

MSD Romania Leadership Team

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