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AmCham Romania News AmCham Romania: The lack of transparency in adopting legislative changes sends a strong negative wave of mistrust and uncertainty, internally and externally

AmCham Romania: The lack of transparency in adopting legislative changes sends a strong negative wave of mistrust and uncertainty, internally and externally

by AmCham Romania February 1, 2017

AmCham Romania expresses its deep disappointment regarding the reasoning, adopting procedure, provisions and effects of the Emergency Ordinance 13/2017 and of the project to amend the Criminal Code and Criminal Procedural Code.

The lack of transparency in adopting such legislation despite the opinions and recommendations issued by the relevant institutions undermines the confidence in the Government and sends a strong negative wave of mistrust and uncertainty, both internally and externally.

The firm anti-corruption efforts had a major contribution to Romania’s recent development and the country’s rating and attractiveness for investments, and the current decisions cancel the accomplishments of the past years and increases Romania’s country risk.

It is extremely worrying for the business community and society as a whole, that legislative pieces with such moral, societal and economic implications with immediate and long term effects are adopted by the Government without observing the minimum requirements of transparency in decision-making.

In AmCham’s view, the adopted legislation undermines the rule of law and derail from the fundamental principles of transparency, stability and predictability and strays Romania from the European values and standards.

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