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Bridging Continents. Seizing Opportunities.
The "U.S.-Romania Economic Forum" is AmCham Romania's premier platform for transatlantic dialogue, bringing together policy makers in Washington, D.C. and Bucharest, local decision-makers and stakeholders, and leaders and professionals in the American and Romanian business communities. Launched in 2022 with the support of the United States Embassy in Romania to mark the 25th anniversary of the Strategic Partnership between the United States and Romania, the Forum serves as a space to recognize and celebrate past achievements in the bilateral economic relation and, more importantly, to look ahead at challenges and seize emerging opportunities to renew this partnership.
This year's Forum will take place, for the first time, in the United States of America, to raise awareness of Romania's unique position as a launchpad for American-origin FDI into the SEE, the wider EU, Moldova and Ukraine, and the Caucasus, and to promote investment opportunities on the local market for U.S.-origin enterprises and institutional investors. The 2024 Forum will be a fantastic opportunity for U.S. corporate and institutional investors to learn directly from Romanian decision-makers and key stakeholders about investment opportunities and incentives in Romania and invites American business leaders to join the conversation and #InvestSmart #InvestEast.
Under its "Partnership for Growth" motto, the 2024 Edition of the "U.S.-Romania Economic Forum" aims to generate leads for new American investments in Romania, including in the context of Ukraine's reconstruction needs, and primarily targets the Agriculture, Banking & Financial Services, Defense, IT&C, Manufacturing, and Medical sectors.
Representatives of AmCham Romania and of AmCham's business community will be joined by senior U.S. and Romanian officials, including representatives of the U.S. Department of Commerce and the ministers of Economy, Energy and Healthcare of Romania, and by representatives of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for an insightful conversation about FDI and success stories of American investments in Romania.
Previous Forum guests include the United States Deputy Secretary of Commerce, the U.S. Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, the Acting President of the Senate of Romania and the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport and Infrastructure of Romania in 2022, and the President and Chair of the Board of Directors of the U.S. Exim Bank, the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Resources, the Regional Senior Commercial Officer for Europe at the U.S. Mission to the EU and the Romanian ministers of Economy and Energy in 2023. The Deputy Secretary General of NATO and the Executive Chairman Emeritus of the Atlantic Council took the Forum's stage to deliver key-note remarks in 2022 and 2023 respectively.
"AmCham Romania is not only a voice of the business community, but also a force for positive change and social imapct."
Kathleen A. Kavalec, U.S. Ambassador to Romania, 2023 Forum