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Create and Deliver Dignity and Happiness by Redirecting 3.5% to Pro ACT Suport

by Pro Act Suport January 30, 2020

Help persons with psycho-social and intellectual disabilities move from public institutions to community, get a job and become true citizens. Create and deliver dignity and happiness by redirecting 3.5% to Pro ACT Suport, an association that addresses the opportunity of making sure people with psycho-social and intellectual disabilities realize their true potential in society.

Since 2012, we talk about 100 de-institutionalized people, another group of 50 people live in 12 community services developed by Pro ACT, with different degree of support (intensive-no support), 26 clients accessed the open labor market, making their own income and last but not least, 17 persons are out of the system, living independent, a decent and normal life, contributing this way to the community`s and personal welfare.

To find out more about what Pro ACT Suport does, please access:

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Pro ACT Suport has been founded to address the opportunity of making sure people with psycho-social and intellectual disabilities realize their true potential in society. We talk about 100 de-institutionalized people, another group of 50 people live in 12 community services developed by Pro ACT, with different degree of support (intensive-no support), 26 clients accessed the open labor market, making their own income and last but not least, 17 persons are out of the system, living independent, a decent and normal life.

HistoryPro ACT Support Association was founded on April 6th, 2011, in Bucharest. The organization believes in the developmental potential of humans in a community where everyone is treated both equally and respectfully. Pro ACT is a growing team of dedicated professionals combined with over 60 years of experience in reforming the Romania social services’ system.

Current situation - In Romania over 18,000 people with mental disabilities are held in institutions where the system is unable to provide programs towards managed inclusion into society. These persons can end up spending their entire lives in institutions not being able to enjoy the rights and dignity human existence and family bonds. Hence, excluded persons are not given the chance to demonstrate the inherent value that they possess as human beings.

Pro ACT program advocates for legal and structural change, by producing hand and hand community and cultural change, de-institutionalizing adults with disabilities and offering community-based alternatives, mentoring activities to enable the individual to reach his or her potential in their community. Through its unique formula of inclusion, care and support, Pro ACT’s clients re-learn skills that will allow many of them to live a “valuable” life. Leading to a life where “beneficiaries” become everyday people holding down jobs and contributing financially to society rather than being dependent on it.

In other words, we create and deliver dignity and happiness in others!

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