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News from Members OvidiuRO’s Mission is to Make Quality Early Education Available to Every Child in Romania.

OvidiuRO’s Mission is to Make Quality Early Education Available to Every Child in Romania.

by Asociatia OvidiuRo November 21, 2023

Since 2004, OvidiuRO has been developing educational programs that enable teachers through engaging literacy-focused training sessions. Moreover, OvidiuRO supplies teachers and children with captivating illustrated books and valuable resources to cultivate a love for reading from an early age.

The child’s brain needs stimulation to develop, and success in school is largely dependent on early life experiences. Children who grow up in families with no books, a very common situation in poor communities, are already behind at the beginning of first grade, and the risk of dropping out of school is very high.

To reduce the school abandonment rate in Romania, Asociatia OvidiuRO committed to transform every gradinita into a “Kinder-Library” – replete with quality children’s books and daily read-aloud activities to kindle children’s imaginations and instil a desire to learn to read for themselves.

In all its programs, starting from January 2021, OvidiuRO has organized over 300 training sessions for teachers, with an average of 1,200 participants per session, and has provided 600,000 illustrated books, allowing over 265,000 children to listen to stories daily.


Your support is more critical than ever in OvidiuRO’s mission to reach all children and raise future generations of readers. Donate now, and offer a child the chance to have a better life through education.

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