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Loneliness and Lack of Resources Remain the Most Serious Problems for the Elderly in 2023, According to Statistics.
In this context, Margareta of Romania Royal Foundation continues the effort to help vulnerable elderly and offer solutions to their many needs, be it material support, alleviating their loneliness, or helping them find a new sense of purpose through volunteering for children in our intergenerational projects.
The end of year is the perfect time for all of us to stand by them and redirect 20% of companies’ income tax towards projects that help the elderly live their remaining years with dignity. Romania is one of the few countries that enjoy this fiscal deduction - the sponsorship is deductible from the income tax and does not come directly out of the company’s pocket, so to speak.
With an experience of 33 years, Margareta of Romania Royal Foundation is one of the few NGOs who has programmes for the elderly. Throughout the years we have created numerous solutions to improve their lives, to address loneliness, prevent social isolation, create opportunities for them to continue to live an active life. We are raising money to continue to help over 4000 elderly people across our projects. Join us!
For more info about sponsorships, please consult our online guide: