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How can we remove fear, judgement, and punishment from Romanian schools?

by Transylvania College June 2, 2021

Școala Încrederii (The School of Trust) is the first integrated process that transforms children's learning experiences by changing the relationships between students, teachers and parents from mistrust to trust, from criticism to acceptance, from dependence to autonomy.

Școala Încrederii (The School of Trust) took shape out of the dream that three people shared:Ruxandra Mercea, the executive director of Transylvania College, Ciprian Ghişa, director of the Romanian line of study of Transylvania College, and Domnica Petrovai, psychologist, therapist, and CEO of Mind Education, who, together, de-fined and developed this intervention process for schools.

The process aims to restore trust in Romanian state schools by changing the organisational culture through leadership and by developing healthy relationships between all members of the community. This endeavour was later enriched with Impetum Group’s involvement, which has the mission to maximise the value in companies and in people. We need all these components - education, psychological support, and the involvement of the business community in order to profoundly change the way education is done and trans-form Romanian society. This process is based on the results of the study "Research and Cultivation of Trust in Romanian Schools", con-ducted by a team of researchers from the University "Babeş-Bolyai", led by Prof. Dr. Petru Curşeu. The study revealed that lack of trust between principals, teachers, parents and students is one of the main problems state education is facing in schools from urban and rural areas. This year, on the 13th May, we launched The Day of Trust, which was celebrated in the 54 kindergartens and schools in the process; more than 25.000 children along with their teachers, explored what they understand by “trust”.

On this occasion, we opened a new application session for schools and, in less than 5 days since launching the call, more than 280 kindergartens and schools enrolled (over 100.000 children), out of which 50 will be selected to start the process in September 2021.

Ruxandra Mercea, about the School of Trust: “My dream is that, in as many state schools as possible, teachers find the joy of teaching, and students to grow up in an environment without abuse, criticism, judgment, punishment, comparison, this being replaced by a safe environment, where children have the chance to develop with confidence in their relationships with teachers and the school principal. We started in this national approach based on the positive experience we’ve had in Transylvania College, by implementing personal and professional development programmes. We have adapted this process to the needs of the state system, because we want teachers and principals to have access to those resources that will help them have fulfilling lives, dis-playing this in the way they do their jobs. By 2030, we want to reach over 1.000.000 students in Romania.”

Through the School of Trust we will succeed in growing today's students into adults with trust and confidence.

We need this transformation in state education.

A confident country needs confident children! If you want to join our project, please contact us at:

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