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In line with the AmCham Statutes, AmCham Romania is pleased to announce that the 2023 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION (AGM) will take place on March 23rd, 2023, in-person, at the InterContinental Athénée Palace Hotel Bucharest, Le Diplomate Ballroom[1].
During the AGM, the AmCham Romania Board of Directors will present the activity & financial reports for the past year and propose for your approval the 2023 objectives and budget.
The topics on this year’s AGM agenda are the following:
The AGM concludes the election process for the Board of Directors and Auditing Committee.
In accordance with art. 35 of the AmCham Romania Statues, 6 (six) positions in the AmCham Romania Board of Directors and 3 (three) Auditing Committee positions are open for at-large elections.
Following the AGM and elections, in accordance with art. 33 (2) of the Statutes, within the first Board of Directors meeting, the Board members will elect the: President, two Vice-Presidents and Treasurer.
On condition that the proposed amendment of art. 35 (2) of the AmCham Romania Statutes will be approved, in accordance with Annex 1 of this Calling Notice of the 6 candidates to be elected in 2023, only one will be able to represent a member company in the Business category, through positive discrimination, granted there will be votes for representatives of this category, in line with art. 35 (2).
The six candidates to be elected in 2023 will join the seven members of the Board of Directors, elected in March 2022, who are halfway through their two-year mandate.
Voting ballots will be submitted via email to before 16:30, the first call of the AGM on March 23, 2023. Members can also submit votes for the Board of Directors and Auditing Committee elections personally, at the AGM venue, on March 23, 2023, preferably no later than 17:00.
For further details, and for any questions regarding the voting process, please contact AmCham Romania at or by phone at 0748 113 665 Andreea Roman and 0748 113 668 Mihaela Gușu.
Participation to the AmCham AGM is open to AmCham Romania Members, based on prior registration online here.
[1] 1-3 Episcopiei Street, Bucharest, District 1, 010292, Romania (InterContinental Athénée Palace Bucharest)
Date Thursday, March 23, 2023
Timeline 17:00 pm - 20:30 pm
Location InterContinental Athenee Palace Bucharest Hotel, Le Diplomate Ballroom