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AmCham Romania Events AmCham CEO Forum with EU Commissioner for Transport Adina Vălean

AmCham CEO Forum with EU Commissioner for Transport Adina Vălean

Feb 25, 2021

AmCham Romania is pleased to announce that the special guest of first edition of the AmCham CEO Forum in 2021 is Adina Vălean, EU Commissioner for Transport.

Covering a wide array of responsibilities, from developing a comprehensive strategy for sustainable and smart mobilityensuring the highest safety standards as traffic increases and security threats become more complexreviewing the Energy Taxation Directive or contributing to a zero-pollution goal, Commissioner’s Vălean portfolio is highly relevant for Romania, as our country needs massive investments in infrastructure to meet the quality and reach standards of the EU member states and to contribute to Romania’s better connectivity with the EU. The upcoming sector and cross sector adjustments under Commissioner’s Vălean coordination are of utmost importance to the business community as well. 

The AmCham CEO Forum brings together top level executives in our community in dialogue with high officials to exchange views and pass recommendations on the main topics of interest for the private sector.  

Participation is limited to CEO representatives of AmCham Romania member companies. RSVP details are included in the invitations sent via email. For details, please contact

When & Where

Date Thursday, February 25, 2021

Timeline 15:00 pm - 16:30 pm

Location Online - via Cisco Webex Meetings

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