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COVID-19 Response Business Advisory [UPDATED] ESSENTIAL Q&A – Employment relationships in the state of alert

[UPDATED] ESSENTIAL Q&A – Employment relationships in the state of alert

by bpv GRIGORESCU STEFANICA August 19, 2020
Labor Market, Legal

Given the transition to the state of alert and the legislation which is under ongoing changes, we updated the complementary tool previously provided to our clients and business partners, the guide ESSENTIAL Q&A - Employment relationships in the state of alert.

This includes a series of answers from a legal, as well as a practical perspective to the most pressing questions raised by numerous employers following the state of emergency.

We hope this will continue to be a useful tool in your efforts to successfully pass this full of challenges period in your businesses and life.

Anca Grigorescu, Partner

(Employment & Benefits and Taxation)

Labor Market, Legal

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