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Today we collect minutes.
What can you do in one minute? You can order food, read an email or keep a child in school. Completely free.
World Vision Romania’s studies show that:
❗ 2 out of 10 children tell us that the family only sometimes or never provides them with enough food.
❗ A quarter of children state that they are not helped by anyone when they cannot manage their homework.
100 more children from Cluj and Ialomița counties can be integrated into World Vision Romania’s Bread for Tomorrow program, through which the organization offers children from disadvantaged communities a hot meal and two hours of help with homework every day. The children in this program spend an extra two hours at school every day, learn life skills, catch up on lost material, are helped with their homework when there is no one at home to guide them and, above all, they eat a tasty meal. For some of them, it is the only hot meal they enjoy that day.
We all have the power to help them. Free of charge. Within a minute. We need 3200 people. 3200 minutes. 3200 completed forms.
Redirect 3.5% of your income tax free of charge and become a #MinuteDonor. Offer a hot meal and help with homework for children from rural areas here: