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We are not just another organization. We are a family. A family that eagerly awaits a new year to see the "sprouts" from our programs. A family that tears up with happiness at the end of each year when they SUCCEED. A family that forms a shield for every child going through tough times. A family that intervenes from kindergarten to college.
Meet Maria. At 17, she already has some of the gentleness of a teacher when she helps children with their homework in grades I-IV. She guides their hands as they build letters and patiently reads stories to them. We met her in 2013, at just seven years old, when she joined one of our programs. During that time, she, too, received help to do her homework. When you come from a family with five siblings in a small town in Vaslui, and your parents are at work all day, small joys become a luxury.
Now, Maria is in the 11th grade and is part of the "I Want to Be in the 9th Grade" program - through which she receives a monthly scholarship, has access to non-formal education activities and mentoring, as well as summer camps. Here, she learned how to work in a team and manage her emotions. After 10 years in which our team held her hand as she grew up, we are like a family to her. And a family guides, educates, and, most importantly, is by your side. Join the World Vision Romania family and help all the children in our programs.
Maria is just one of the 220,000 children and adults we reached in 2022 alone. Rural Romania is a poor Romania, where the need for intervention is enormous. Come alongside the World Vision Romania family and contribute to the most important stage in the formation of tomorrow's adults: education.
Visit and follow the necessary steps to help thousands of children. In your signature lies the future of children.