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Impetum Group has kicked off the 10th edition of the CONFIDEX study, the only longitudinal study in Romania that measures the confidence of Romanian business people in the economy. Entrepreneurs and top executives in Romania are invited to contribute to the radiography of trust in the Romanian economy by completing the CONFIDEX Edition 10 questionnaire:
Launched four years ago, the CONFIDEX index has rallied around it a community of nearly 3,000 business people, evolving constantly into a complex instrument for measuring managers' confidence in the Romanian economy. But more than that, through the complexity of the data collected from the real economy, CONFIDEX is also a forecasting tool for local economic trends. The CONFIDEX index reached its lowest level during the pandemic period. Subsequently, it gradually began to rise, reaching, in the first half of 2023, the highest level in the past three years (50.2), followed by a decline in the second half of the year.
Please take a few moments to complete our questionnaire, which should only take about 15 minutes of your time. By doing so, we can all gain insight into the current state of the economy:
CONFIDEX is an initiative initiated by Impetum Group and has, for four years, provided a clear picture of the perceptions of business people in Romania, conducting a radiography of confidence in the economy. By extrapolating these trends, we have a tool that enables us to better understand the times we live in and make informed decisions, with a positive impact on the business environment and society in general.