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News from Members CALL TO ACTION – Invitation for AmCham members to join forces support the increase of the vaccination rate in Romania

CALL TO ACTION – Invitation for AmCham members to join forces support the increase of the vaccination rate in Romania

by Banca Comercială Română October 19, 2021


AmCham Romania members are invited to support and contribute to existing efforts to boost the uptake of COVID-19 vaccines in Romania.

In Romania, businesses have been at the forefront of the pandemic relief efforts since its breakout and have constantly supported their employees and members of their communities to protect themselves. Companies’ speed response and generosity were critical in overcoming the pressure Romania faced so far in the fight against the virus and continue to be badly needed. We use this opportunity to commend AmCham members that have both initiated awareness campaigns or have endorsed existing public and private campaigns.

The casualties of the 4th wave that is hitting Romania, despite access to vaccines, requires a new wave of mobilization of the private sector to educate and convince the unvaccinated population that it is the only way to protect themselves and their dear ones, and the only way to overcome the health crisis and its devastating effects on the population and on the economy.

CALL TO ACTION – A consortia of private companies are calling for involvement and invite AmCham members to join forces in implementing a large scale, multi-channel communication campaign aimed at convincing people in all walks of life, age categories and regions that prevention through vaccination is safe and that the fight against the pandemic is won one vaccine at a time.

 The operational coordination work is provided by BCR.

  • Companies can join in multiple ways: financial support, sharing outdoor advertising space, promoting the key messages online to their audiences, etc.;
  • A sample campaign video is available here.
  • Contact person for details: Ionuț Stanimir, Executive Director, Marketing & Communication BCR.

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