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The transaction was signed following a competitive process, which involved both local and international players. Bondoc și Asociații team, coordinated by Lucian Bondoc and Monica Iancu, partners, was involved in the entire process of preparing the transaction documents, conducting competitive negotiations and in the selection of potential buyers and the execution of documents with the selected buyer.
The team also provided assistance in the analysis of various legal issues during the due diligence processes carried out by the participants in the competitive transaction process and continues to assist STEAG in order to finalize the transaction according to the signed contract.
The assistance provided for the sale by STEAG of its participations in Romania comes as a result of a long-term professional relationship between Bondoc și Asociații lawyers and the German group.
Bondoc și Asociații team led by Monica Iancu, partner, was involved in negotiating the agreement and in coordinating all the aspects falling under the scope of the applicable Romanian legislation.