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Business Intelligence Global tax guide to doing business in Romania

Global tax guide to doing business in Romania

by Dentons October 19, 2021


Increasing globalization has led to a decline in barriers when businesses are looking to expand into new markets around the world. Tax remains one of the central considerations when evaluating a business opportunity. The complexities and intricacies of navigating different tax systems has proven to be a challenge for multinationals that operate in more than one country.

This edition of Dentons` insight piece is aimed at providing a high-level overview of the tax consequences that face businesses planning to expand international operations.

Understanding the uniqueness of different tax systems presents an opportunity for businesses to plan and structure their affairs in the most ax efficient manner.

In this regard, our current edition responds to the following questions in connection with a multitude of jurisdictions around the globe:

  • What is the general overview of the tax system?
  • Under what type of legal system (i.e. civil law or common law) does the jurisdiction operate?
  • Who are the local taxation authorities?

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