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AmCham30: Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond!

by AmCham Romania

AmCham started 30 years ago, when a new, emerging Romania, was reaching out to the world.

At first, AmCham was just a handful of companies with a common goal. A common hope. A common vision: to help build the future of Romania.

Alongside our growing community, from 22 members in 1993 to over 520 members in 2023, AmCham has contributed to Romania’s breakthroughs and transformation over the past three decades.


Now, Romania is a full EU member state, a reliable NATO ally, has built a solid strategic partnership with the U.S., and works towards OECD membership. Its economy grew 15 times since 1993, from EUR 22,5 billion to EUR 310 billion estimated for 2023.

Today, we have cause to celebrate:

  • The economic impact of AmCham’s over 520 members active in 32 industries, their shared commitment and investments that made Romania a better home for business.
  • AmCham members’ know-how and innovation in building the future of industry automation.  
  • Members being more competitive in the global marketplace through digital transformation.
  • Entrepreneurs across all sectors for their thriving, growing, and reaching new markets.
  • Members’ drive to advancing better access to quality and innovative care for all Romanians.
  • AmCham members’ investments in education, in creating better opportunities for the next generations of Romanians.
  • AmCham30 celebrates how our joint achievements have laid a strong foundation for stability, growth, and prosperity for decades to come.

As we look towards the future, we know that the bold vision, shared commitment, and sustained investments of the AmCham community will lead the way and expand Romania’s horizons ... Today, tomorrow, and beyond. 

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