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COVID-19 Response Member Initiatives The challenge #24MicaTzopaiala is replacing the charitable sport event Marea Tzopăială, during COVID-19 times

The challenge #24MicaTzopaiala is replacing the charitable sport event Marea Tzopăială, during COVID-19 times

by Fundatia Inovatii Sociale Regina Maria May 26, 2020

Fundația Inovații Sociale Regina Maria is launching a unique online challenge in order to raise funds for the education of 200 kids coming from vulnerable families.

Through this challenge, Fundatia Inovatii Sociale Regina Maria has the target of raising 24.000 EURO in one month from 12.000 SMS sent by participants.

“Due to the financial problems faced of most of the companies (companies which were supporting usually our foundation projects), we see ourselves changing the perspective over our community and to ask for help from people, finding themselves in a better position. School has stopped and there are kids for which continuing the school online cannot be an option, because they don’t even have a phone with buttons or electricity at home. The kids from our educational centers (Baneasa and Clinceni) need to be supported in order to pass the summer and recover the lessons they had lost over the emergency situation and be prepared (we hope) for a real return to school from September. What we need in fact is to continue to further support these kids to continue and believe in their dreams!” stated Mateoiu, Executive Director of the Foundation.

The challenge has started on the 24th May, the day when it should’ve taken place the 4th edition of the charitable sport event Marea Tzopaiala, cancelled over the context and restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 and would continue as long as the objective of targeted funds it is achieved.

The idea of this challenge is around number 24: start on 24th of May and stop only when we achieve 24.000 EUR.

The challenge consists in making a short video of one sport activity (24 reps) and post it on social media channels together with the hashtag #24micatzopaiala, not before they SEND an SMS, 2 euro/month at 8844 with the word VISE. The participants can run 2,4 km or 24 km, can made 24 skip jumps or any other activity they prefer. Or there can be done a simple gif or boomerang when they jump up.

For the success of the fundraising campaign it is important that those which accept the challenge to give further the tag to 3 of their friends and for those to do the same challenge and to donate towards the foundation case.

Challenges sports ideas regarding the number 24 or 2.4 can be found on the foundation website, on Facebook, Instagram și TikTok pages as well following the hashtag #24micatzopaiala, where can be found video’s and challenges made by stars and public figures who have already entered the game.

The challenge started Sunday, 24 May at 10.00 on the Facebook page of Fundației Inovații Sociale Regina Maria.


MEDIA PARTNERS: ItsyBitsy FM, București FM, Smart FM, AgerPress


Fundația Inovații Sociale Regina Maria is an NGO which offered for 10 years a large range of free medical services to people without income or medical insurance and who are looking with 15 teachers employed or volunteers over a number of 200 kids from vulnerable families in two educational centers of the foundation (Clinceni și Băneasa). Fundația Inovații Sociale Regina Maria is the philanthropic initiative of family Dr. Wargha și Mitra Enayati, part of ENAYATI Group.

Fundația Inovații Sociale Regina Maria is not part of Private Health Network Regina Maria.

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