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News from Members Mazars Webinar : The SAF-T reporting (March 29) and DAC7 Directive (March 30)

Mazars Webinar : The SAF-T reporting (March 29) and DAC7 Directive (March 30)

by Forvis Mazars March 28, 2023

Webinar Mazars: One year of the SAF-T reporting: challenges and opportunities regarding the D406 statement

29 March, at 10 AM

Register here

The SAF-T reporting continues to remain a hot topic on the corporate agenda of many companies even after one year after its implementation.

The complexity of the legal requirements and structure of the SAF-T reporting has made it difficult for taxpayers to comply with the legislation without support.

To help you submit your statements successfully, Mazars in Romania has developed an IT tool and are ready to support your company navigate the challenges that may appear in the following year(s).

Discover the IT tools developed to answer your reporting needs

On the development of the IT tools, Mazars in Romania has focused on technical accuracy in line with relevant legislation, data security and archiving, ease of use and flexibility both for regular users and future developments that would allow the generation of other tax returns and declarations in addition to D406.

Register now and book your place at the event and get a flavour of the current set of IT tools developed by Mazars in Romania for the SAF-T implementation.


  • What’s new: structure changes, reporting catalogues, new penalties.
  • How do we ensure the completeness and accuracy of the declaration? Handling errors encountered in reporting, the declaration review process.
  • How do we use the SAF-T reporting as a tool to verify the accuracy of periodic tax reporting?

Speaker, Mazars in Romania:

  • Monica Petrea, Tax Director

The event is online and free of charge. The presentation will be held in the Romanian language.

 Webinar Mazars: The DAC7 Directive and its impact on marketplaces

30 March, starting at 10 AM

Register here

The mobility of taxpayers and the significant number of cross-border transactions carried out in the context of globalization have led to the need for a set of measures to regulate the exchange of tax information between the Member States of the European Union (EU).

In recent years, the digitisation of the economy has advanced at a rapid speed, and the cross-border services offered through digital platforms have led to complex situations which have resulted in the avoidance of tax obligations, as well as fraud and tax evasion. Thus, the need to adopt standardised regulations within the internal market has appeared, to correctly evaluate and control the revenues obtained as a result of the commercial activities carried out through digital platforms.

The rules imposed by DAC7, establish reporting obligations for the operators of the digital platforms concerning the sales intermediated on these platforms. Thus, the reporting obligation concerns the operators of marketplace platforms.

Mazars in Romania invites you on Thursday, 30 March, at 10:00 AM, to the webinar on the DAC7 Directive and the reporting obligations it brings to marketplace platforms.


  • Background on the DAC Directives and the purpose of DAC7
  • Who will be obliged to report?
  • What are the reportable activities and what information will have to be submitted? About the tax due diligence process
  • Deadlines and penalties
  • Issues to be clarified and recommendations

Speakers Mazars in Romania:

  • Liviu Gheorghiu, Tax Director
  • Alina Ghiță, Tax Manager
  • Alexandra Nechita, Tax Assistant Manager
  • Miruna Cîrstea, Tax Assistant Manager

The webinar will be held online, in Romanian, and participation is free of charge upon completion of the registration form.

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