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News from Members Start the 8th edition of the CONFIDEX study

Start the 8th edition of the CONFIDEX study

by Impetum Group April 4, 2023

CONFIDEX is the only longitudinal study about the Romanian managers' confidence in the economy during uncertain times, with the largest base of C-level respondents. Until now, more than 2,500 managers have participated in the previous 7 editions.

CONFIDEX is a national brainstorming, which has helped measure the perceptions, concerns and intentions of business people in Romania for over 3 years. Subsequently extrapolating trends, CONFIDEX becomes a benchmarking tool for business decision-making, with the role of helping entrepreneurs to better navigate these uncertain times.

Therefore, today we start the 8th edition of the CONFIDEX study, which will measure the managers’ and entrepreneurs’ confidence in the economy during the first semester of 2023.

Please fill in the questionnaire; it takes about 15 minutes, and the answers remain confidential. Impetum Group will do a statistical processing of the answers received from the whole country, and you will receive a report of the conclusions.


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