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News from Members KMG International publishes its 2017 sustainability report and announces the best results in the history of the Group

KMG International publishes its 2017 sustainability report and announces the best results in the history of the Group

July 13, 2018

KMG International publishes its fourth sustainability report, drafted according to international standards (Global Reporting Initiative G4), and announces the economic, social, environmental and marketplace performance of the Goup’s strategic development areas in the 2017 interval.

"In 2017, our Group reached the highest level of operational and financial indicators since the establishment of Rompetrol and Petromidia Refinery, and 10 years after its takeover by KazMunayGas; these results are backed by outstanding results in the sustainability area – decrease of water consumption, decrease of energy intensity index, of CO2 emissions, increased commitment towards our employees, clients, communities. These results have been achieved by our great employees, through their high sense of duty, dedication and expertise, and this report is mainly a celebration of our people of great achievements, sharing with the wide public the portraits of some of them as well as their personal stories with the company" said Zhanat Tussupbekov, Group CEO.

The Sustainability Report shows the company's role and impact in the Romanian economy, but also in other countries with significant operations (Bulgaria, Georgia, Republic of Moldova), and details results in areas such as corporate governance, human resources (education and development, safety, diversity, human rights), environmental management (emissions reduction, water consumption, biodiversity conservation activities), local community investments and relations, marketplace performance.

The performances of the production units - Petromidia refinery obtained the lowest production cost for the past 10 years, along with significant operational and mechanical availability while reducing its energy consumption and processing costs, with a decrease by approximately 14% in its energy intensity index (EII) and a drop by 44% in its processing cost. Vega Refinery also recorded an all-time-high in bitumen production, namely 96KTons/year, as well as its lowest technological loss ever in its 113-year history - 1.04% wt.

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