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Help Adelin finish school by redirecting 3,5% of your income tax for free!

by World Vision Romania May 6, 2022

Adelin, a ten-year-old boy, emphasizes to his teacher there isn't any evidence of the existence of The Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, or the Easter Bunny. The other kids in the classroom respond to his “controversial” statement with a few seconds of silence and big-wondered eyes. Then, a girl with a ponytail cheerfully intervenes: "They all exist because they bring us presents," she claims.

Since he was a baby, Adelin has felt something was missing: his parents, the leading caring figures in every child's life. They abandoned him one month after birth and moved to another village. After that, his grandparents took care of the boy and sent him to school despite their financial issues. They still hope their grandson will have a better future. The little boy is crazy about Mathematics and wishes to become a pilot. 

Our friends from World Vision Romania also believe in Adelin’s and all vulnerable children’s chance to a brighter future, but only if we invest in their education. You can help them for free (in 1 minute) by redirecting 3,5% of your income tax for free, here:

What does your support mean?

The NGO currently helps over 1300 children from disadvantaged rural communities (between six and 10 years old) to finish primary school (grades I-IV). To all of these children, World Vision Romania offers daily a hot meal at school and two hours of homework and tutoring support through the "Bread for Tomorrow" program. This year, the organization wants to include at least 100 more pupils in this program:

  • To integrate 100 more children in the program for a whole year, World Vision Romania needs 2,400 forms;
  • With 1 completed form, the organization helps a child go to school for 2 weeks.

The NGO's most recent study shows worrying results concerning learning losses for K-12 children. The damage is even more severe to younger children from vulnerable communities. 

  • 73% of the teachers activating in marginalized schools agree that the quality of education has decreased in the last two years;
  • For every 100 children, 2 have abandoned their studies during the pandemic.

Because of the crises we have faced in the past two years, World Vision Romania reinforces the importance of equitable and quality education, mandatory supported by covering the basic needs such as a warm meal per day. So, maybe you can help the organization reach 100 more children who lack the resources to attend school. By redirecting 3,5% of your income tax, you can change their lives 100%. 

How does the redistribution of 3.5% of taxes work?

• Any Romanian citizen with declared income pays an income tax to the state. From this tax (which the state takes from you anyway), you can redirect 3.5% to a foundation/ non-governmental organization (NGO) whose mission you believe in;

• The authorities considered redistributing a small percentage of the tax so that the citizens could choose another destination for the taxes they pay, apart from the state.


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