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News from Members BKR International Members Ignite Innovation In The “City Of Light”

BKR International Members Ignite Innovation In The “City Of Light”

by Euroglobal S.E.E Audit November 6, 2015


Euroglobal was among the 90 global accounting firms participating in BKR International’s Annual Worldwide Meeting in Paris, from October 31 to November 3. Euroglobal is a member of BKR International, one of the top five global associations of independent accounting and business advisory firms. This year, BKR chose the birthplace of enlightenment, in all of its artistic splendour, to cast a spotlight on the changing global accounting profession. The theme was “Lighting Up a World of Opportunity.”

Keynote speakers discussed how radical innovation will change traditional patterns of production and consumption in the west, and what business advisors must do to stay ahead of the curve. Sessions on leadership and management, as well as breakout groups, focused on ways to leverage BKR relationships, utilize international tax opportunities, build leadership skills, and successfully manage the new multi-generational staff.

As chairman of the International Tax Committee, Angelos Theodorou was chairing the tax breakout session during the conference. During the meeting he presented an update on the ITC activities of the past year and the strategy of the committee moving forward.

Members traveled around the world virtually via interactive panels highlighting current events in each of BKR’s regions, and prestigious media reps from the International Accounting Bulletin, The Economist, and the Ordre des Experts-Comptables added their unique insights on global issues. Members analyzed results from a recent UK survey on how clients choose their accounting firm and why they stay, and learned how the most successful companies incorporate the elements of trust, compassion, collaboration, and value in their business plans. Finally, no BKR conference would ever be complete without an update on the latest technology to help accounting firms and their clients become more efficient and effective. Members discussed opportunities and threats in the technology landscape, including cyber security and the role of the accountant in protecting client privacy.

Angelos said, “BKR helps us be successful and innovative, engaging leading global consultants to share their knowledge and expertise, as well as creating opportunities for us to share best practices with our BKR colleagues. We discuss confidential issues and real solutions with our peers, from attracting the best talent in our firms to learning which countries offer the best tax advantages for our clients. Because of BKR, we have so much more to offer our staff and clients than we could if we were operating as a single firm.”

“We make sure our members have time to meet and connect with each other outside of the formal business sessions, because that’s where the real opportunities come alive,” added BKR Worldwide Executive Director Maureen Schwartz. “Meeting face-to-face in a relaxed and enjoyable setting is crucial to establishing personal relationships, which ultimately foster business opportunities. It’s a win-win situation. We also encourage our members to bring their families, which oftentimes results in establishing lasting personal friendships that extend far beyond BKR meetings.”

World Chairman Howard Rosen reported a significant increase in the acceptance of new member firms in Asia, particularly India, as a result of a concerted board effort to expand BKR representation in this critical area of the world. “It’s been an amazing year with successful growth for BKR. My firm, Conner Ash, has been a member for 12 years, and has benefited exponentially from the services and benefits offered by BKR. We fully expect to continue “lighting up a world of opportunity” for our members in a true spirit of camaraderie and love of the profession.”

About Euroglobal

Euroglobal S.E.E. Audit Limited is a regional certified public accounting company specialised in assurance services. Its headquarters and management are based in the Republic of Cyprus. Euroglobal operates in South Eastern Europe through fully fledged offices in Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, FYR Macedonia, Albania and Montenegro. To learn more, visit

About BKR International

BKR International is one of the top 5 global accounting associations, representing the combined strength and market exclusivity of more than 160 independent accounting and business advisory firms in over 500 offices and 80 countries. To learn more, visit

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