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The American Chamber of Commerce in Romania (AmCham Romania) announces the 3rd edition of the U.S. - Romania Economic Forum, to be held for the first time in Washington, D.C., on June 20, 2024, to promote Romania as a destination for American investments.
The U.S. - Romania Economic Forum: Partnership for Growth will gather officials from both administrations and leaders of American companies in Romania, alongside AmCham representatives to present Romania’s investment profile and the country’s potential to become a hub for American investments in the region. The forum is supported by the U.S. Embassy in Bucharest and the Romanian Embassy in Washington, D.C.
Cristian Sporiș, AmCham Romania President, emphasized the strategic importance of the third edition of the Forum: "AmCham launched the U.S. - Romania Economic Forum in 2022 to mark the 25th anniversary of the Strategic Partnership between the two countries, as a statement of confidence in the future of economic relations. The impact of previous editions and the support of AmCham’s more than 570 member companies power our mission to contribute to Romania’s prosperity by attracting American investments and supporting Romanian companies to access the American market. This year, we are taking the Forum to Washington, D.C. to invite American investors to choose Romania, the best destination for UI.S. investments in the region. In a global context that rests the investment decisions on criteria other than geographical ones – shifting from nearshoring (investments in neighboring countries) to friend-shoring (investments in friendly countries), the current momentum in our bilateral relations is a valuable advantage that Romania must capitalize on. Also in Romania’s favor, during the June 20 discussions with American investors, we will highlight the robust economic growth, which makes the country a regional champion."
Daniela Nemoianu, Vice President of AmCham Romania, added: "The U.S. - Romania Economic Forum provides an excellent framework to highlight ongoing reforms and investments, as well as Romania’s commitments, such as accession to the OECD, which give a clear direction and builds confidence among the investment community. Together with AmCham members, American companies with significant investments in Romania, and government members, we will assure American investors that Romania offers a dynamic and favorable business climate for high-value-added investments. Choosing Romania, especially in the context of participating in the international effort to rebuild Ukraine, will also be one of the main messages on the Forum’s agenda."
Dinu Bumbăcea, Vice President of AmCham Romania, emphasized: "We believe in Romania’s potential to attract capital and investments. From the IT sector to energy, FMCG, healthcare, agriculture, and financial banking services, there are numerous opportunities we will bring to the attention of American investors at the U.S. - Romania Economic Forum. Like other countries in the region that have managed to attract major American investments, Romania needs such business bridges and platforms that promote the existing bilateral partnership, the success of past investments, and, very importantly, connect investors with opportunities. We are convinced that this AmCham initiative will contribute to the shared goal of building sustainable long-term economic benefits for both countries."
The U.S. - Romania Economic Forum organized by AmCham Romania will feature messages from government officials, heads of the two diplomatic missions, representatives of AmCham and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, as well as from company leaders from various sectors who will present the perspective of American investors already present in Romania.
The potential for attracting investments in the medical sector in particular will be highlighted in a dedicated panel. Representatives of Romanian authorities and the private sector will discuss investment opportunities generated by the construction of new hospitals funded by European funds, advances in access to innovation, the prospect of adopting a support scheme for investments in drug production, an attractive legislative framework for clinical trials, and the quality of medical professionals in Romania.
The dialogue on economic cooperation facilitated by AmCham Romania through the 3rd edition of the U.S. - Romania Economic Forum is correlated with other key moments on the bilateral agenda, such as Romania’s effort to qualify for the U.S. Visa Waiver Program and the participation of the Romanian delegation at the SelectUSA Investment Summit between June 23-26, 2024.
Concomitantly with initiatives to promote Romania as an investment destination, AmCham Romania remains committed to public-private dialogue domestically, to advance the business community’s priorities, the need for continued reforms and investments to consolidate Romania’s advantages, and the importance of ensuring a stable, transparent, predictable, and competitive business environment.
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>> RO: AmCham promovează România ca destinație pentru investiții americane în cadrul Forumului Economic SUA- România, organizat în premieră în SUA