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AmCham Romania News AmCham Advocacy Flash: Highlights of Recent Initiatives - July 2021

AmCham Advocacy Flash: Highlights of Recent Initiatives - July 2021

by AmCham Romania July 13, 2021

Recent Initiatives

Meetings with the authorities:

On July 12, 2021 State Aid experts from the AmCham Romania Competition and State Aid Committee met with Irina Avram, Director General for State Aid at the Ministry of Public Finances. The meeting was organized with member companies that provided observations during the public consultation launched the Ministry on the issuance of a large state aid scheme and focused around discussing our association's previous feedback. We are pleased to announce that our observations were considered pertinent and approved, in principle.

On July 5 AmCham Romania members met Ms. Elisa Roller, Head of Unit, Recovery and Resilience Task Force (European Commission), to discuss the most recent developments at the EU level regarding the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) and Romania’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP). The latest event in AmCham’s Dialogues with Brussels series focused on challenges and opportunities for Romania in absorbing the available recovery and resilience funds, the monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for the implementation of Romania’s NRRP and the expectations of the European Commission from the national recovery and resilience funds. The dialogue was facilitated by the AmCham Structural Funds, Public Procurement and PPP Committee.

On July 1st, the AmCham Digital Economy Committee met with Mr. Octavian Oprea - President of the Authority for the Digitalization of Romania (ADR) with whom we shared our vision and recommendations for digital transformation of Romania. Members welcomed his insights about the main projects of the Authority in the coming period, ranging from electronic identity to the e-bills, e-Health, services hub, the government cloud following the adoption of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) and not least the implementation of the e-governance and debirocratization policy. As a member of the Board and Working Groups of the National Council for Digital Transformation (CNTD), AmCham will continue to support ADR and the national stakeholders in the efforts to drive the digital transformation at the level of the Romanian economy and society.

Position Papers:

Jul 13: The AmCham Competition and State-Aid Committee submitted a letter regarding unduly delays in issuance by the Competition Council of economic concentration approvals in written form.

Jul 12: The AmCham Taxation Committee submitted proposals for the amendment of the TP legislation

July 7 - The AmCham Energy Committee submitted a letter to the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests formally providing support and requesting AmCham involvement in the process of calibrating a position on the future carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) in the context of the negotiations at EU level. The matter is being approached in the dedicated CBAM WG se to analyze the draft CBAM regulation proposal launched on July 14.

Jul 6: The AmCham Education Task Force submitted some proposals on the legislation regarding the professional training of adults, arguing for a simpler, more digitized life-long learning system. The proposed amendments include measures for simplifying the licensing of professional training courses and measures to facilitate the online delivery of training. The proposals were jointly validated with the AmCham Labor committee and were shared with the Ministries of Labor and Education.

Jul 5: The AmCham Energy Committee, through its dedicated Energy Law Working Group, submitted a comprehensive set of proposals for amendments in view of the revision of the Energy Law 123/2012 in view of the transposition of EU Directive 2019/944 on common rules for the internal market for electricity the deadline of the Government to align the national and EU legislation in July 2021.

Jul 1: The AmCham Environment Committee submitted a letter to the Ministry of Environment requesting a clarification regarding the status of the Draft Order approving the Procedure for the Environmental Permit and the calendar for the consultation and adoption by the Government. The initiative is a follow-up to the previous effort to draft a series of proposals for improving and procedure, during the public consultation in February 2021.

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